Lirik Lagu Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire dan Terjemahan Lagu

Di kirim oleh : CHORDS.ID Kirim Chords Thursday, 14 Sep 2023 | 21:26
Lirik Lagu Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire dan Terjemahan Lagu

Arti Lirik Lagu dari Lirik Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire ft. Pink beserta  Terjemahan

[Verse 1: Kenny Chesney + Together]
Yeah we got drunk on La Cienega Boulevard
Ya kita mabuk di La Cienega Boulevard
Takin' pictures of people we thought were stars
Memfoto seseorang yang kita pikir bintang
It’s easy to give in to your heart
Sangat mudah tuk tunduk pada hatimu
When you’re drunk on La Cienega Boulevard
Saat kau mabuk di La Cienega Boulevard
When the song comin' out of the speakers
Saat lagu akan terdengar di speaker
Was the band that you had on your t-shirt
Ialah band yang kau sandang di bajumu
We were screamin' cause all the streets were empty
Kami menjerit karena jalanan sepi
And you kissed me, and we were …
Dan kau menciumku, dan kami ...

[Chorus: Pink]
Up all night and we were feelin' so good
Sepanjang malam kita kita merasa begitu bahagia
Yeah, we got a little higher than we probably should
Ya, kita hampir di puncak, kita harus
We were in a hotel singin' in the hallway lights
Kami berada di sebuah hotel bernyanyi di lorong becahaya
We were strikin' the matches right down to the ashes
Kita nyalakan korek sampai menjadi abu
Setting the world on fire, setting the world on fire
Membuat dunia bergejolak, membuat dunia bergejolak

[Verse 2: Kenny Chesney + Together]
Wrote I love you in lipstick on the mirror
Menulis aku mencintaimu dengan gincu di cermin
We were shoutin' out the window, like they could hear us at the pier
Kita berteriak keluar jendela, layaknya mereka bisa mendengar kita di dermaga
Said "Do you think we’ll live forever?" As we killed another beer
Bilang "Apa kau pikir kita kan hidup selamanya?" Seperti kita terbunuh oleh bir lagi
And you wrote I love you in lipstick on the mirror
Dan kau tulis aku mencintaimu dengan gincu di cermin
We were laughin' until we were breathless
Kita tertawa hingga kita kehabisan napas
Never felt anything so reckless, we were all lit up and restless
Tak pernah merasa sesuatu yang begitu nekat, kita semua hidup dan resah
And comin' alive and we were…
Dan akan jalani hiduo kami...

[Chorus: Pink]
Up all night and we were feelin' so good
Sepanjang malam kita kita merasa begitu bahagia
Yeah, we got a little higher than we probably should
Ya, kita hampir di puncak, kita harus
We were in a hotel singin' in the hallway lights
Kami berada di sebuah hotel bernyanyi di lorong becahaya
We were strikin' the matches right down to the ashes
Kita nyalakan korek sampai menjadi abu
Setting the world on fire, setting the world on fire
Membuat dunia bergejolak, membuat dunia bergejolak

[Bridge: Pink]
Oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, ya, ya

[Chorus: Kenny Chesney + Pink + Together]
Up all night and we were feelin' so good
Sepanjang malam kita kita merasa begitu bahagia
Yeah, we got a little higher than we probably should
Ya, kita hampir di puncak, kita harus
We were in a hotel singin' in the hallway lights
Kami berada di sebuah hotel bernyanyi di lorong becahaya
We were strikin' the matches right down to the ashes
Kita nyalakan korek sampai menjadi abu
Setting the world on fire, setting the world on fire
Membuat dunia bergejolak, membuat dunia bergejolak

[Outro: Kenny Chesney + Pink + Together]
World all on fire.
Seluruh dunia bergejolak
We were setting
Kita yang membuatnya
The world all on fire
Seluruh dunia bergejolak
We were setting
Kita yang membuatnya
The world all on fire
Seluruh dunia bergejolak
World all on fire
Seluruh dunia bergejolak

Penulis lirik lagu Setting the World on Fire adalah Josh Osborne, Matt Jenkins & Ross Copperman. Lagu di rilis pada bulan Juli 2016.

  1. 1. Lirik Lagu Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire dan Terjemahan Lagu -
  2. 2. Ganti Lirik Lagu Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire dan Terjemahan Lagu -
  3. 3. Author Lagu CHORDS.ID
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