D# A# G# G#
Not much that matters but the task at hand.
D# A# G# D#
We're busy building ladders to the Promised Land.
's not much worth fixin'
that's been busted apart.
If you don't mind for mending
When they've broken your heart.
Cm G#
taking our troubles down to the river
D# A#
day after day the water turns bitter and I
Cm G#
figure my mind but as much as I figure it's
D# A#
too soon to say if it's getting better
Not much worth saving
but the money you make.
We're paving the road
to the Golden Gate.
There's not much for saying
if you can't fill your cup.
If you don't mind for talking
when they've used you all up.
There's not much worth singing
that ain't already in song.
We're building a rocket
to get to heaven.
There ain't no good deeds
there left to do.
If you don't mind for given
when they've taken from you.